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The bot Taskobot was developed to create a to-do list privately or with a team. Add the chatbot in Telegram, then type @tasko_bot and task description in private chat and select "Create task".

Taskobot is a task collaboration bot / Inline-бот для создания совместных задач. © @johnspade

What can do this bot?Taskobot is a task collaboration bot. You can type "@tasko_bot task" in private chat and select "Create task". After receiver's confirmation collaborative task will be created. Type /list in the bot chat to see your tasks.

Taskobot is a task collaboration bot. You can type @tasko_bot task in private chat and select Create task. After receiver's confirmation collaborative task will be created. Type /list in the bot chat to see your tasks.

Current language: English

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Task list (задачи)
Help (справка)
Personal task (личная задача)
Settings (настройки)
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

See also