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CiuchinoBot 🤖
Have fun with jokes and insults. 😀
Many functions for private chat, group and supergroup. 😊

What can do this bot?Bot entertainment 🙂

Have fun with jokes, amusing insults and ... do start a virtual chat with the command /ciuchino and chat with the donkey !!!
Many functions for groups such as the ability to set the rules of a group, to manage spam etc ...

🔹 Activate the bot with /start
🔸 /help for the command list

Good fun 😀

Welcome to CiuchinoBot! Select your language to start

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Start the bot
Show the help message
Enable CiuchinoAI
convert cryptocurrency
hide the keyboard
Show or manage the TodoList
Change the language to en or it
BETA Download videos from some sites
generates qr codes from text
Show the group's rules
Set the gruop's rules
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