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This Bot can be used to make Telegram voice calls using a web API (HTTP GET)

What can do this bot?CallMeBot can be used to make Telegram voice calls using a web API (HTTP GET). Very easy to integrate with your IoT devices and receive calls directly in your phone. Send /start to get started or /help to get the list of commands.

New User, your account was authenticated successfully.
You can now send text messages and make calls to yourself using CallMeBot API.

To send Text Messages, please visit:

To make a Call, please visit:

Example to send a text message: found-&text=This+is+a+test+message

Example to make a voice call: found-&text=This+is+a+test+call

To Deactivate and Stop the bot send: /stop

To List the available commands, send: /help

List of commands:

/start to Start the bot and activate the API

/stop to stop the bot (won't receive more messages/calls)

/id to get your Telegram id

/help to get this list of commands

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

To authorize CallMeBot to send you notifications (calls/messages)
To deactivate the bot. You won't receive calls/messages anymore
To get your Telegram ID.
To get the list of commands
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