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Top assistants to let you search people by interests and meet people for chat

Top assistants to let you search people by interests and meet people for chat

Meet, Rand Talk, Love Bot, ² анонима — чат и знакомства

Rand Talk Love Bot

How do you meet people with similar interests? This could be another one way to meet new folks from all over the world directly in the chat and privately. Try these bots below to find someone online and ready for chat!

Bots for searching friends and chat


The bot Meet lets you search people by interests and could be used to meet people for random chat. Search "meetbot" in Telegram, send /start and find people online!

Rand Talk

Anonymous bot matching and connecting people with each other in Telegram. Set one of 8 supported languages, your sex and discovery settings to search strangers and chat.


Name: @randtalkbot

✔ Multi-lingual Conversation

✔ Supports commands

✔ Inline Mode

🔗 Website

Love Bot

LoveBot is a first full-featured dating chatbot for the Facebook Messenger Platform. The big advantage is that no installation is required, just start the conversation with the bot and it will guide the user through easy profile creation steps, so the dating fun starts right away.

² анонима — чат и знакомства

Здесь можно замечательно провести время за беседой с незнакомым человеком.

What is a chatbot?

Chatbots is a simly chats in your messenger where you can get the assistance or access to information quickly and efficiently.

How to use bots?

Update to the latest version of your messenger or open web-version.

  1. Click on the chatbot's button Open on this page
  2. Allow browser to open Telegram
  3. Start conversation and follow the chatbot's tips

Or you can simply copy chatbot's username and search its name in your messenger app.

Facebook Messenger

Messenger is the best way to communicate with all the people and businesses in the world.

Telegram Messenger

Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. Over 200 million active users in four and a half years.