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Boosting Productivity and Organization with Telegram: A Review of the Best Bots

Boosting Productivity and Organization with Telegram: A Review of the Best Bots

Trello, taigagram, theJotBot, Google Calendar Bot, 10 Daily Goals

Trello taigagram theJotBot Google Calendar Bot

All five of the Telegram bots we reviewed have one thing in common: they all aim to facilitate organisation and productivity by helping users keep track of their tasks, reminders and goals. Whether using Trello, Skeddy, theJotBot, Google Calendar Bot or Three Daily Goals, these bots are all designed to make it easy for users to create and manage their reminders, tasks and goals, and also provide various features to help users stay on top of their daily activities and commitments. This is important because it allows for better time management and organisation, which can lead to increased productivity and efficiency. In addition, these bots are useful for individuals and teams who want to stay on top of their tasks and goals, and also help them achieve their goals in an organised and efficient way.



This bot helps to integrate Trello to Telegram to work in group chats with colleagues or privately. Get notifications about updates, create, edit and search cards or boards.


Hi, I'm taigagram!
I can notify you about events in you project like new user stories, changed issues and much more.
Just add me to your team group chat.


Begin jotting notes by directly messaging @theJotBot with /jot or create a reminder with /remind.

Use /jots to view your list of jots and click a jot to mark it as complete!

Google Calendar Bot

I'm an interface to a google calendar. /start to get started.

10 Daily Goals

Text me 10 main goals every day!
In the evening I will check it. In the morning I will ask you to fill them. And remember - you can fill only 10 main goals.

What is a chatbot?

Chatbots is a simly chats in your messenger where you can get the assistance or access to information quickly and efficiently.

How to use bots?

Update to the latest version of your messenger or open web-version.

  1. Click on the chatbot's button Open on this page
  2. Allow browser to open Telegram
  3. Start conversation and follow the chatbot's tips

Or you can simply copy chatbot's username and search its name in your messenger app.

Telegram Messenger

Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. Over 200 million active users in four and a half years.

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