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🇬🇧 This bot splits the group expenses.
🇪🇸 Este bot divide los gastos del grupo.
Made by @vetubots

What can do this bot?🇬🇧 Hi, this bot will help you to split the expenses of your group. Add it to a group and use /add command to start. Then /split to solve the debts!
🇪🇸 Hola! Con este bot puedes dividir los gastos de tus grupos. Añadelo a un grupo y usa /add para comenzar. Luego usa /split para resolver las cuentas!

👋 Hi! I am @xPlitterbot, i can split the group expenses.

To get started, please invite me to any group you want to split expenses on, and add a purchase with /add. Then use /split and I will calculate the debts, and how to solve them easily

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

añadir una nueva transacción
hacer las cuentas
historial de transacciones
más bots
See also