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WWPager |
Получи ID (и email адрес), поделись с друзьями и получай сообщения с сайта или через email Детали - https://wwpager.ru
What can do this bot?Get your ID (and free email address), tell your friends , and get messages from the site or by email. Details: https://wwpager.com
Получите ID (и бесплатный email адрес), поделитесь с друзьями и получайте сообщения с сайта или через email. Подробнее https://wwpager.ru
Support chat/Чат поддержки: https://t.me/wwpagerSupport
Welcome to WWPager!
Your ID is 287511956.
Your email: 287511956@wwpager.ru
Register your personal email (like alex@wwpager.ru) using /register command
You can add this bot to any group to register group email using /register@wwpagerbot command
You can link a personal address to your channel using the /addchannel command and all emails sent to this address will be published in the channel
Join the WWPager support group to keep up to date with the project news and ask your questions - https://t.me/wwpagerSupport
Send this link https://wpgr.me/287511956 to friends and get messages from them in this bot!
Enter the recipient's ID to send the message to them:
WWPager service. https://wwpager.com
Copyright (C) Cloud Systems Software, 2020
/start - start bot, or view you ID
/lang - change language (Russian, English)
/changeid - change your ID
/register - register personal email, like alex@wwpager.ru
/list - list of personal emails
/remove - remove personal email
/email - send email
/sms - send SMS
/addchannel - link personal email to channel
/listchannels - list emails for channels
/deletechannel - unlink email from channel
/forward - set email address for forwarding all messages
/headers - turn ON/OFF email headers (From, Subject)
/sign - add signature for outgoing emails
/balance - show balance
/changevipid - change your VIP ID (enter ID manually)
/subscribe- enable Premium-subscription
/unsubscribe - disable Premium-subscription
/stop - delete all your data and stop using bot
Top up balance here - https://wwpager.com/services/pay
To send a message to another user, enter their ID, then enter the message
Bot Commands
A command must always start with the '/' symbol.