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It's a Words Bot. It will help you learn new words. author - @awsay

What can do this bot?It's a Words Bot.
It will help you learn new words.
The bot has the following features:
- addition of new words with custom or predefined definitions.
- sending your saved words according to your schedule

- /start - start the bot
- /help - bot description
- /settings - customize your own schedule

and so on...

I'm WordsBot!
Please enter your current time to know your time zone.
Format: hours:minutes
Example: 16:50

It's a WordsBot.
It will help you learn new words.
The bot has the following features:
- addition of new words with custom or predefined definitions.
- sending your saved words according to your schedule

- /start - start the bot
- /settings - customize your own schedule

and so on...

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Start the bot
Customize your bot
Bot description
Share this bot
See also