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Website monitoring bot. Feedback: @CaddisFly

Hey! I am @watch_bot. I can watch your websites and notify you in case of troubles. Send me /add to add a website, or read below for other commands.

/add - watch a website
/edit - edit website settings
/status - status of all your watched websites
/metrics - response time metrics
/ping - ping a host
/isup - check if the website is really up or down
/cancel - cancel current command
/help - sympathetically pat your shoulder

You can make me watch Certificate Transparency (CT) for new certificates for your website by clicking "watch CT" button. - donate to keep bot running. - other bots from my author.

For support drop a line to @CaddisFly.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

watch a website
edit website settings
status of all your watched websites
response time metrics
ping a host
check if the website is really up or down
cancel current command
sympathetically pat your shoulder
See also