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The bot will help to change voice messages with audio effects like Glitch, Echo, Chorus and filter like Robot, Ghost or Anonymous. You can add music or sounds as a background of an audio message.

??Voice Changer, inline audiomemes??Изменяет голос, инлайн аудиомемы @MagicBots adv: @temamagic

What can do this bot???Change your voice beyond recognition, inline audiomemes, try @VoiceEffectsBot in chat
??Измени свой голос до неузнаваемости, инлайн аудиомемы, попробуйте @VoiceEffectsBot в чате

Канал бота

Hello, Info, select language?

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Помощь / Support
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

See also