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Quick way to UPLOAD files to telegram by url or RENAME telegram files
Maximum file size allowed 1.5GB
Dev: @AndrRep_bot

What can do this bot?This bot helps you to quickly UPLOAD remote files to telegram using URL or RENAME telelegram files.
Just send a url!
Sometimes filename may be wrong, to override auto filename just pass filename along with url seperate them using a pipe.
For example :
Or | Filename.pdf
Just send a file and reply the new file name to it
*This bot supports Instagram,Youtube,Google drive and direct file urls!
*File size limit is 1.46GB

Hi!,This is a Telegram File Rename and url upload Bot!
Please send me any file url, I will upload it to telegram as file.
Or send me a file and reply the new file name to it , I will rename it.

🇬🇧Send /chlang command to change the language

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

How to use this bot
Generate a external link for telegram files
Extract zip files
Convert mp4 file to streamable video
Set custom thumbnail
Add hardsub to videos
Check upload qouta usage
Upgrade your plan
get your invitation link
Change language
Help translate this bot
See also