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Another bot that can quickly upload files to Telegram from a URL?. @urluploaderxbot Cloned by @teamxprojects.

What can do this bot?Another bot that can upload files to Telegram from a URL

See? for supported links/sites.

To override auto filename, send custom filename along with the link separated by a 'pipe' (|).
For example : | google.gif

Cloned from @anydlbot repo.
Credits to respective owners and contributors.

Cloned by @teamxprojects
Also checkout @urluploaderxbot

Hai, I'm a URL Uploader bot..

1. Send url (Link|New Name with Extension).
2. Send Custom Thumbnail (Optional).
3. Select the button.
SVideo - Give File as video with Screenshots
DFile - Give File with Screenshots
Video - Give File as video without Screenshots
DFile - Give File without Screenshots

For specific type of links, Read the guides in Channel
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Uploading Porn or abusive usage will result in instant ban!

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Uploading Porn or abusive usage will result in instant ban!

Send /me to know current plan details

Support Group : @MoviEzoNlysuppOrT
© @MovieZonlYheRe

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Starts the bot
Shows help
Delete current thumbnail
Show current thumbnail
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