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UpdateWebHookBot | Configure the WebHook of your bot!

UpdateWebHookBot | Configure the WebHook of your bot!

🇬🇧 This bot will allow you to set the webhook of your bots correctly!
Developed by @B4ckCod3

What can do this bot?🇮🇹 Questo bot ti permetterà di settare correttamente il webhook dei tuoi bot!
🇬🇧 This bot will allow you to set the webhook of your bots correctly!

🇮🇹 Seleziona la lingua del bot.
🇬🇧 Select the language of bot.

Developed by @B4ckCod3

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Start the bot
See requirements to set up a WebHook
Change language of the bot
Share this bot
See also