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@TweetItBot is a @Telegram bot that acts as Twitter client. Follow our channel: @TweetIt

What can do this bot?@TweetItBot is a @Telegram bot that acts as Twitter client.

I will tweet anything you send me (including photos, videos, stickers and gifs).

You can use inline buttons to reply, retweet, like or delete tweets. There are lots of other /commands too.

I also support Telegram's inline bots feature: type @TweetItBot anywhere to search tweets.

Do you want to receive mention notifications? Try /startstream.

Send /start to start tweeting :)

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

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Start receiving mention notifications
Stop receiving mention notifications
Start receiving timeline tweets
Stop receiving timeline tweets
Learn how to tweet
Learn how to search tweets
Delete a tweet
Retweet a tweet
Unretweet a tweet
Like a tweet
Unlike a tweet
Follow a user
Unfollow a user
Mute a user
Unmute a user
Block a user
Unblock a user
Get a tweet
Get up to 10 tweets from a given user
Get up to 10 timeline tweets
Get up to 10 mentions
Show all lists you are subscribed to
Get up to 10 tweets from a given list
Add caption to your next gif/photo/sticker/video
Cancel current command
List available commands
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Learn how to make a donation
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Search Tweets
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See also