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What can do this bot?I do things

Hi! I'm Sweetie Bot. I can do many things. Want to see them? Type / and you'll see all of my commands.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Get started!
Derpibooru search.
Get a Derpibooru image by its id.
Link your Derpibooru account.
Start a game of Guess the Tag!
Guess the tags in a Guess the Tag game.
End the game of Guess the Tag. Results will be tallied!
Forcefully end the game of Guess the Tag. Used by admins.
Can I send NSFW images here?
Find your ID and the ID of this chat.
Check if admin mode is enabled for me in this chat.
Get information on a CS:GO item.
Get the share link for a specified media element.
Get the top 10 tags for this chat.
Kick me.
Get a delicious pizza delivered to your door
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

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See also