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This bot acts as a moderator for the card game Secret Hitler by Max Temkin

What can do this bot?This bot acts as a moderator for a online version of the the social deduction game Secret Hitler.
Secret Hitler is designed by Max Temkin, Mike Boxleiter, Tommy Maranges and illustrated by Mackenzie Schubert and is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0
This bot has the same license.

"Secret Hitler is a social deduction game for 5-10 people about finding and stopping the Secret Hitler. The majority of players are liberals. If they can learn to trust each other, they have enough votes to control the table and win the game. But some players are fascists. They will say whatever it takes to get elected, enact their agenda, and blame others for the fallout. The liberals must work together to discover the truth before the fascists install their cold-blooded leader and win the game."
- official description of Secret Hitler

Add me to a group and type /newgame to create a game!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Gives you information about the available commands
Gives you a short piece of information about Secret Hitler
Gives you a link to the official Secret Hitler rules
Creates a new game
Let’s a user join an existing game
Starts an existing game when all players have joined
Cancels an existing game. All data of the game will be lost
Prints the current board with fascist and liberals tracks, presidential order and election counter
Shows you all possible symbols of the board
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