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You can play the Chameleon Game with me. Made by @poolitzer. Follow the official channel for updates: @thechameleon

What can do this bot?You can play the Chameleon Game with me. Just add me to a group or join one of the official ones: Run /help if you need help

Hey there, I am the Chameleon Bot :) You can play the Chameleon Game with me, just add me to your group. If you want to change the language I speak to you in private, hit /language. And don't forget to smile. At least once in a while.

Hey there, you want some help, great. I respond to the following commands in private:
/language - change the language I speak to you in the private chat
/settings_help - helps you understand the group settings
/translation - show you a help message how to do translations
/deck - show you how to add your own deck

In case you need human help with something, just join us over at @TheChameleonSupport. We will be happy to help.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

[GROUP] starts a game
[GENERAL] shows you a help message
[GROUP] changes the settings
[GROUP] adds (or removes) you from the nextgame list
[GROUP] aborts a game
[GROUP] reloads admins cache
[GROUP] shows the groups id
[GENERAL] shows you the rules of the game
[PRIVATE] change my language
[PRIVATE] helps understanding group settings
[PRIVATE] shows help for translations
[PRIVATE] shows help for decks
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

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