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Chatbot TGStat Alert Bot commonly used to notify about posts with a given keyword in Telegram channels and chats. The bot works with a paid subscription and can message you about reposts and mentions of your channel as well.

Уведомляет о новых публикациях по ключевым словам в Telegram-каналах и чатах. Поддержка: @TGStatSupportBot

What can do this bot??? Уведомляет о репостах и упоминаниях канала, а также о новых публикациях по ключевым словам в Telegram-каналах и чатах.

?? Notifies about reposts and mentions of the channel and new posts with a given keyword in Telegram channels and chats.

?? Kanal repostlari va eslovlari hamda Telegram-kanallari va chatlarda kalit so‘zlar bo‘yicha yangi e’lonlar haqida xabar beradi.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Set bot language
New subscription for a channel
New subscription for a word
Support contact
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