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Inline bot for text transformations. Made by @kozalo (@kozaloru)

What can do this bot?Hi! I work in the inline mode and can help you translate some text from a human language into binary or hexadecimal code, base64 string, and vice versa. Russian-speaking users may use me to translate the text from one keyboard layout to the other.
If you want something more, we're welcome to your suggestions!

Hi! I'm able to help you with various transformations of text. Just type the 'at' sign (@), my name after it, and continue entering some text. It works in any chat! Note, however, that I cannot process long messages.

Click on buttons below to know more about transformers.

If you need a feature that is not implemented yet, see the bot's GitHub page and create an issue with your suggestion.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

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Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

место для текста (здесь могла бы быть Ваша реклама)
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