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Helper bot of the Telebirr-telegram-bot groups | Help and source

What can do this bot?Hi!

I am a bot that's helps out in the groups of the Telebirr-Telegram-bot library:@TelebirrTelegrambot.

An overview about what I can do and my source code can be found at

Use /off to pause your subscription.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Point out compatability issues of code and PTB version to users
point users to the documentation
point users to the bots redame
Tell users not to use AI/LLM generated answers
Ask for full traceback
Ask users to upgrade to the letase version of PTB
point users to the wiki
The wiki page about asking technical questions
redirect users to lists of existing bot.
remind the users of the Code of Conduct. dontping-Tell users not to ping randomly ping you.
Ask users not post the same question in both on- and off-topic.
Give a query that will be used for a switch _to_inline-button
show our stance on meta-questions-meta How to build an MWE for PTB.
Ask users not to post code as text or images.
Tell a member to stop spamming and switch to private chat
Display a short info text about ptbcontrib
Tell users to actually read the resources they were linked to
How to find a Phyton tutorial
what are usersbosts?
other Phyton wrappers for Telegram
Ask users for actual use case.
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See also