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Welcome to the Toco bot!


💻 Networking

~ Toco <3

What can do this bot?Welcome to the Toco bot!

If you are interested in politics join..

If you are interested in computer networking join..

~ Toco <3 "Own It Up!"

Hi there!

This is the #TechToco bot. I'm able to teach you some good cyber security skills! Just type help and say a command and I'll reply back! Also be prepared to receive news from me as well as questions.

Enjoy me while I last!

/help - *Noobs Only*
/start - Details About Me
/news - Your Daily News
/so - Shout Outs
/gc - Groups and Channels
/sn - Social Networks

/as - Account Security
/av - Anti-virus
/bo - Boot Security
/bs - Browser Security
/ch - Computer Hygiene
/cs - Computer Security
/da - Deleting Accounts
/dd - Dumpster Diving
/ec - Encryption
/fd - Flash Drives
/fs - Facebook Security
/fw - Firewall
/li - Limiting things you say
/ms - Mobile Security
/mw - Malware
/ph - Phishing
/pp - Protecting Pictures
/pv - Protecting Videos
/pw - Passwords
/px - Proxy
/rs - Router Security
/se - Social Engineering
/ser - Search Engine Results
/sl - Shortened Links
/ts - Twitter Security
/ud - Updating
/vpn - Virtual Private Network
/wb - Wi-Fi / Bluetooth
/2sv - 2 Step Verification

Join @NeverHillary if you hate Hillary Clinton.

Use /off to pause your subscription.

Want to create your own bot?
Go to @Manybot

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

*Noobs Only*
Details About Me
Your Daily News
Shout Outs
Groups and Channels
Social Networks
Account Security
Boot Security
Browser Security
Computer Hygiene
Computer Security
Deleting Accounts
Dumpster Diving
Flash Drives
Facebook Security
Limiting things you say
Mobile Security
Protecting Pictures
Protecting Videos
Router Security
Social Engineering
Search Engine Results
Shortened Links
Twitter Security
Virtual Private Network
Wi-Fi / Bluetooth
2 Step Verification
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Search Security info
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See also