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StreamRadarBot shows you on which streaming platforms the movies or series of your choice are available.

What can do this bot?StreamRadarBot shows you on which streaming platforms the movies or series of your choice are available.

Powered by JustWatch & TMDb


/start restart the bot
/settings shows settings and options
/country select country
/language select language
/help or /ayuda show help
/feedback send me feedback
/rate rate me 😁
/cancel cancel current operation

How to search for a movie or series

Send me a message with the title and I will show you a list with possible results, then select the movie or series and I will tell you on which platforms from your country you can see it.

You can also search for it by mentioning the bot and typing the title below.
For example: @streamradarbot avatar.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

restart the bot
show settings and options
show help
select country
select language
muestra la ayuda
rate the bot
send feedback
cancel the current operation
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

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