Add to BotoStore

Bot can send notifications about new questions on sites from stackexchange network (e.g. stackoverflow).

The bot supports following commands:
/add - add subscription for the site from stackexchange network. It has parameters:
tags(or tags_any) - you will be notified about questions with any ot these tags
tags_all - you will be notified about questions which has all these tags list
tags_exclude - you wouldn't be notified about questions which has any of these tags
site - you will be notified about question from this site. Default value: stackoverflow.
/add tags=oracle # subscribe for all Oracle related questions from stackoverflow
/add site=stackoverflow tags=postgresql # subscribe for all Postgresql related questions from stackoverflow
/add site=superuser tags_all=iptables,docker # subscribe for questions from superuser about iptables AND docker
/add site=gaming tags=starcraft-2, tags_exclude=starcraft-protoss # subscribe for questions from gaming about starcraft 2, but not about protoss
/list - show active subscriptions
/del - delete subscription. Examples:
/del 3 - remove third subscription from the list
/del all - remove all subscriptions
/help - this menu
/sources - link on the bot source code
/other - link on the other my bots

The bot supports following commands:
/add - add subscription for the site from stackexchange network. It has parameters:
tags(or tags_any) - you will be notified about questions with any ot these tags
tags_all - you will be notified about questions which has all these tags list
tags_exclude - you wouldn't be notified about questions which has any of these tags
site - you will be notified about question from this site. Default value: stackoverflow.
/add tags=oracle # subscribe for all Oracle related questions from stackoverflow
/add site=stackoverflow tags=postgresql # subscribe for all Postgresql related questions from stackoverflow
/add site=superuser tags_all=iptables,docker # subscribe for questions from superuser about iptables AND docker
/add site=gaming tags=starcraft-2, tags_exclude=starcraft-protoss # subscribe for questions from gaming about starcraft 2, but not about protoss
/list - show active subscriptions
/del - delete subscription. Examples:
/del 3 - remove third subscription from the list
/del all - remove all subscriptions
/help - this menu
/sources - link on the bot source code
/other - link on the other my bots

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

add subscription for the site from stackexchange network
show active subscriptions
delete subscription
help menu
link on the bot source code
link on the other my bots
Share this bot
See also