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@Sq4Bot is a @Telegram bot that helps you check-in to @Foursquare/Swarm venues.

What can do this bot?@Sq4Bot is a @Telegram bot that helps you check-in to @Foursquare/Swarm venues.

I will check you in to any venue you send me.

I also support Telegram's inline bots feature: type @Sq4Bot anywhere to search venues.

Send /start to start swarming :)

Welcome to @Sq4Bot!
To enjoy this bot first you need to login.
Login URL:

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Sign in with Foursquare
Check-in to a venue
Cancel current command
Make a donation
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Search Venues
Share this bot
See also