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This bot provides a simple and fully automatic way to protect your group from spam/flood attacks.

What can do this bot?This bot provides a simple and fully automatic way to protect your group from spam/flood attacks.

Hello :)
This bot provides a simple and fully automatic way to protect your group from spam/flood attacks.
Add me to any group as admin and I will kick not ban all the spammers.
If I'm not very very very sure or if someone spammed for the first time, then I allow them to /unban themselves (After solving a time-consuming task).

I have a learning algorithm which calculates how likely someone is a spammer.
The calculation is group independent which means that most of the worst spammers will be kicked before they start spamming.
I work for all languages, images, stickers, and other files.

You should tell each user to start me once so I can communicate with them.

See also