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Open-source bot that can identify music, similar to Shazam. Support: @SongIDsupportbot

What can do this bot?? SongID is a Telegram bot that can identify music, similar to Shazam. ?
- Find music in videos ?
- Find music playing around you with Telegram Audio Message ?
- Direct links to Spotify, YouTube and Deezer ?
- Deletes files as soon as we've finished processing them ?

SongID is a Telegram bot that can identify music, similar to Shazam

Key Features:
- Scan for music in videos
- Scan for music playing around you with Telegram Audio Message
- Direct links to services such as Youtube, Spotify and Deezer
[20MB file size limit]

To get started, upload a file or record a Telegram Audio Message

@SongIDBot 0.2.4

--= How to use SongID =--

1. Send us a file: We will scan the file for music

---> You can send us an audio/video file on your device by pressing the paperclip icon in the bottom left
---> Record a Telegram audio message with the microphone icon in the bottom right and capture music playing around you.

File size limit: 20MB
If you exceed this limit, we won't be able to scan your file for music!


Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

How to use SongID
View data we have stored about you
See also