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Simplified version of the web Signum Explorer

What can do this bot?Signum Explorer Telegram Bot - it's a simplified version of the web Signum Explorer

Welcome to ? Signum Explorer Bot

Send any Signum Account (S-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX or numeric ID) to explore it once.
Send /add ACCOUNT [ALIAS] to constantly add an account into your main menu and /del [ACCOUNT or ALIAS] to remove it from there.
Send /threshold [AMOUNT of SIGNA] to set a lower threshold for notifications.
Send /calc TiB COMMITMENT (or just /calc TiB) to calculate your expected mining rewards.
Send /price to get up-to-date currency quotes.
Send /convert for currency converter SIGNA / USD / BTC
Send /network to get Signum Network statistic.
Send /crossing to check your plots crossing (they should not overlap to maximize mining profit).
Send /faucet to get some free SIGNA.
Send /info for information.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Constantly add a Signum Account to your main menu /add ACCOUNT [ALIAS]
Remove an account from the menu /del [ACCOUNT|ALIAS]
Calculate mining rewards /calc TiB COMMITMENT or /calc TiB
Actual currency quotes of SIGNA and BTC
Currency converter for SIGNA / USD / BTC
Check your plots crossing
Show Signum Network statistic
Set a lower threshold for notifications /threshold [SIGNA]
Get some free SIGNA
Information about bot
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See also