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Favorites bot for Telegram | @kozaloru |

What can do this bot?Hello! I can help you to save different types of objects, like pictures, stickers, audio or video, for further use via inline mode, by associating them to some word or phrase.

Приветствую! Я могу помочь сохранить и использовать в дальнейшем через режим встроенных запросов объекты разных типов, таких как картинки, стикеры, аудио или видео, путём ассоциирования их с каким-либо словом или фразой.

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Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

associate one or more objects with some alias
print the list of all saved aliases or packages
print the list of all aliases associated with an object
delete some of your favs
install someone else's package of his/her favs
show help message
abort the current operation
change the language
create a link to the alias already present within your favs
create or delete a shareable package of your favs
enable or disable substring search
exclude an alias from all listings, or reveal it back
remove a link to some alias
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