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scrap by @SpEcHlDe

What can do this bot?🙏 no /start please. 🙏 Use InLine.

This bot can help you find and share movies. It is works in any chat, just write @RottenTomatoesRoBot in the text field. Let's try!

check /help for more advanced features 😉

ℹ️ Subscribe @SpEcHlDe and share to your friends if you like the bot!

Why this robot was created?
👉 because, @Relapsed asked!

available commands
👉 /donate

👉 /start
👉 /help

ℹ️ Subscribe @SpEcHlDe and share to your friends if you like the bot!

Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Search movies, TV, ...
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