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Bot for executing snippets of code; /help to get more information, /languages for list of languages.

What can do this bot?This bot can execute snippets of code.
Type /help to get usage info, and /languages for list of available languages.

Bot doesn't respond? Questions? Bugs? @GingerPlusPlus

Execute code.

Usage: / [/stdin ]

Inline mode:
@rextester_bot [/stdin ]

Line breaks and indentation are supported.

I'll also try to execute files pm'ed to me.

See list of supported programming /languages.
See /about for useful links.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

list of supported programming languages
some useful links
execute C#
execute Visual Basic .NET
execute Visual Basic .NET
execute Java
execute Python 2
execute C (gcc)
execute C (gcc)
execute C++ (gcc)
execute C++ (gcc)
execute php
execute Pascal (fpc)
execute Pascal (fpc)
execute Objective C
execute Objective C
execute Haskell
execute Ruby
execute Perl
execute Lua
execute Assembly (nasm)
execute Assembly (nasm)
execute SQL (SQL Server)
execute Common Lisp
execute Common Lisp
execute Common Lisp
execute Prolog
execute Go
execute Go
execute Scala
execute Scheme
execute Javascript (node)
execute Javascript (node)
execute Javascript (node)
execute Python 3
execute C (clang)
execute C (clang)
execute C++ (clang)
execute C++ (clang)
execute C++ (clang)
execute MS Visual C++
execute MS Visual C++
execute MS Visual C++
execute MS Visual C
execute D
execute R
execute tcl
execute SQL (MySql)
execute SQL (postgresql)
execute SQL (Oracle Database)
execute Swift
execute Bash
execute Ada
execute Erlang
execute Elixir
execute Ocaml
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

<language> <code> [/stdin <stdin>]
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