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What can do this bot?Hi! My name is ReplySticker Bot.
I can write text & quotes over stickers for you!

Hi! My name is ReplySticker Bot.

I can write text & quotes over stickers for you!

▶️Start by forwarding any message (from a friend or a foe) to this bot. Right click on the message → Forward Message → choose this bot chat as a recipient.


/new - create new ReplySticker (step by step guide).

Happy trolling!😉

Additional commands:
/export - export the old ReplySticker
/convert - convert to png
/help - current menu

Privacy; we are not collecting any text and the new sticker rewrites the old one.
Developed by - password recovery manager.

Give this bot some love❤️=

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

terminate current process
create new ReplySticker
export the old ReplySticker
convert to png
current menu
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

select the sticker in inline window
Share this bot
See also