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? Reminder | Напоминания

? Reminder | Напоминания

A user-friendly bot-assistant ? News: @RemindTaskToDo_news Feedback: Creators: @bryzgaloff, @zimizimi

What can do this bot?? Hi, I am your friendly bot-assistant!

?? Говорю на русском! Нажми START внизу ?

?? My features:
— Buttons-only interface. No "remind me at 6pm tomorrow" typing ? Configure a reminder in just a few clicks.
— Create a reminder from any type of message: forwards, images, audios — completely anything ✅

— Groups support.
— Customize predefind buttons.
— Persian language.

Click START below ?

Your language has been automatically set to English ??
If you wish to change, choose one of other supported languages below ?

Not enough options? Let us know you preferred language via /feedback!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

List reminders | Все напоминания
Report a bug, request a feature, any feedback | Оставить отзыв, сообщение об ошибке
Update timezone | Сменить временну́ю зону
Set language | Сменить язык
Explain commands | Описание команд
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