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What can do this bot?Bot returns Telegram MtProto meta-data for all sent messages.
Source Code:

"_": "pyrogram.Message",
"message_id": 2147,
"date": "2020-05-24 16:50:48",
"chat": {
"_": "pyrogram.Chat",
"id": 1279091306,
"type": "private",
"is_verified": false,
"is_restricted": false,
"is_scam": false,
"is_support": false,
"first_name": "New User"
"from_user": {
"_": "pyrogram.User",
"id": 1279091306,
"is_self": false,
"is_contact": false,
"is_mutual_contact": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_bot": false,
"is_verified": false,
"is_restricted": false,
"is_scam": false,
"is_support": false,
"first_name": "New User",
"status": "recently"
"mentioned": false,
"scheduled": false,
"from_scheduled": false,
"text": "/start",
"entities": [
"_": "pyrogram.MessageEntity",
"type": "bot_command",
"offset": 0,
"length": 6
"outgoing": false

"_": "pyrogram.Message",
"message_id": 2149,
"date": "2020-05-24 16:50:53",
"chat": {
"_": "pyrogram.Chat",
"id": 1279091306,
"type": "private",
"is_verified": false,
"is_restricted": false,
"is_scam": false,
"is_support": false,
"first_name": "New User"
"from_user": {
"_": "pyrogram.User",
"id": 1279091306,
"is_self": false,
"is_contact": false,
"is_mutual_contact": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_bot": false,
"is_verified": false,
"is_restricted": false,
"is_scam": false,
"is_support": false,
"first_name": "New User",
"status": "recently",
"language_code": "en"
"mentioned": false,
"scheduled": false,
"from_scheduled": false,
"text": "/help",
"entities": [
"_": "pyrogram.MessageEntity",
"type": "bot_command",
"offset": 0,
"length": 5
"outgoing": false

Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

See also