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MMO RPG chatbot for Telegram. News: Group:

What can do this bot?First MMO RPG for Telegram. Discover extensive world with vast territory (villages and towns, forests, dungeons, etc.), NPCs, monsters, quests, rare loot items, fights and chatting other players. Огромный мир первой MMO RPG с своими городами и деревнями, монстрами, персонажами, редкими вещами, квестами и уникальной системой сражения.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Player Information
Player Equipment
Player Inventory
Start your travel
Players in location
Items in location
Monsters in location
NPCs in location
Attack players
Take items in location
Drop items to location
Use items from inventory
Equip items on player
Unequip items to inventory
Join or create clan
Use your ? diamonds
Invite friends to get ?
Current quests and history
Players manual
Player statistics
Gaming world map
Top players list
Please rate the game
Game settings
Main menu
Information about game
Agreement and conditions
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

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