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Estimate trip 🚗 OnTheRoadBot

Estimate trip 🚗 OnTheRoadBot

Estimate your trip & share time of arrival on the go!
Availible for driving 🚗 and walking 🚶

What can do this bot?Estimate your trip and share time of arrival with friends on the go!
Availible for driving 🚗 and walking 🚶

Hi Bot Info Bot 👋 Lets try to estimate your first trip! Watch small tutorial video below and try yourself 👇

❗Don’t forget to allow Telegram and Bot to use your location

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

personalize your bot
set travel mode: 🚗 or 🚶,language and pin favorite locations
learn how to use bot
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Type location to get estimation :)
See also