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✨ Youtube Downloader Bot ✨
⚡️Join: @NMRbots

What can do this bot?💫 Downloads Video/Audio from Youtube

ℹ️ How to use ?

➡️ Send me a text message ( search query )
➡️ Send me a valid Youtube link.

↘️ 👨‍🔧:
- cool down time of 5 mins
- Max video length of 1 hour.

Welcome New User

I can fetch Video/Audio from Youtube and upload them to Telegram

⚙️ How to use ? /help

⚙️ How to use ?

➡️ Send me a text message ( search query ) and i will show the most relevant results from Youtube.


➡️ Send me a valid Youtube link.

📌 Tip : Be more specific on the search query ( message ) to get Accurate Results !

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

how to use ? 🤔
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