Add to BotoStore

Service that allows to add your website or server on monitoring less than for 1 minute. If your website has some problems, the bot will notify you about it.

MonitorBot monitors the availability of URL. Also you can use it to organize the parameters of monitoring such as HDD free space, CPU, and many others, or to monitor any other parameters associated with the services, business processes, employee productivity etc . More information about the features -

Choose language

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

show help information
send your message for support
list of your websites
list of your objects
add new website
add new object
get url for send free message
get url for send data in your object
edit your website
edit your object
remove your website
remove your object
clear object's data
get ping info about your website
get curl info about your website
get info about time content generation
get info about domain date expiration
get object's history
delete user account
get pincode for authorization
change language
enter your activate code
get info about your subscribe
See also