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League of Legends bot made by @Edurolp

What can do this bot?League of Legends bot made by @Edurolp

Hi Bot Info Bot, first of all, select your language :)

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Shows a keyboard to change the bot language.
Shows info about the bot supporters.
Gives information about the bot.
Shows info to filter the champios by them role.
Shows help about the commands.
Shows help for the inline use of the bot.
Gives a list with the name of all the champions.
Set your summoner name.
Set your region.
Get info of your summoner.
Bot credits.
Gives the champions and skins on sale.
Gives information about the last patch.
Rate the bot :)
Send a message to the bot administrator.
Enable/Disable the notifications.
Shows the keyboard (Not available for groups).
Cancel the current command.
Hides the keyboard (Not available for groups).
Gives the champions on rotation this week.
Shows info to search for summoners.
Shows info to search matches.
Shows what of your info is stored in the bot database.
Shows stats about the bot.
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

Type your request...
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See also