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The job hunter bot. Helps humans to find job offers worldwide and apply for the positions directly from the messenger.

What can do this bot?Hey! I'm Jobo, the Job Bot.😎 My job is to help you to find your next cool job. To begin just say "/hi" or tap on the "/start" button. 😀

Bot Info Bot, welcome! Nice to see you here. I'm Jobo and I will help you to find your next job 😉

Let's start with basics. You can let me search for jobs any time from the /menu or just by sending me a /search command.
Oh, I'm still being developed, so there might be some bugs or typos, you can always report one with with /bug command;)

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

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Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

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