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The better imgur uploader by @dcsok

What can do this bot?The better imgur bot that you can find, you can send him photos, gifs, stickers, documments (with img format) and it will upload it. For the moment still in Alpha release. If you have problems contact with @dcsok


Use this bot to upload images, stickers and gifs directly to Imgur.

• Send any image as documment or just as simple image and the bot will upload it to imgur, giving the direct link to the image. The format of the image depends from the original file.

• Send any Telegram gif and the bot will convert it and upload to imgur, giving the direct link. The gif format always will be .gif.

• Send any Telegram Sticker and the bot will upload it to imgur, giving the direct link. The sticker format will be .png.

• Important: the file limit is about 10 MB

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