My name is @HKuploadBot . I was created by @Hasibulkobir. Join @HKprojects to get latest news and updates about me..
What can do this bot?Sent me download link and get your Telegram file. I can upload file upto 1.5gb. My upload speed is too low...
Join @HKProjects to get my all bots...😎😎😎
Hello! Bot Info Bot!
I can download any downloadable file link. Just send me downloadlink and get your Telegram file. If you can't upload any file just use to leech file and sent download link to bot. Sometime you can see a setup page just click save configaration and use @HKUPLOADBOT ... 😎😎😎
Join @HKProjects and get my all Telegram bots.
Bot Commands
A command must always start with the '/' symbol.