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Make your chat happier with me. Also check out @GetAltsBot. Dev: @Lor3m

What can do this bot?This bot is here to help you build stronger happier teams and share appreciation with others!

Also check out other bots by @Lor3m:
- @GetAltsBot
- @SimpleMusxBot

Hello, my name is TacoBot and my sole purpose is to help you spread appreciation, celebrate, and have a little fun.

Simply add me to your group and you’ll be giving tacos in no time! You can also send me /help to read about my abilities :^)

This is what i can do now:

/tacotop - shows top-5 Taco'ers in current chat (only in groups)

/mytacos - shows your taco-balance (only in groups)

Kicking me from group will erase all taco-data for chat. That's because i can't forgive such a betrayal !!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

your taco-balance
top-5 taco-ers in this chat
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

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