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Anime bot
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What can do this bot?Anime bot
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For support: @hanabi_support
For updates: @hanabi_updates


I'm Hanabi Yasuraoka bot and I can help you get info on Animes, Mangas, Characters, Airings, Schedules, Watch Orders of Animes, etc
For more info send /help in here.
If you wish to use me in a group start me by /start@hanabi_robot command after adding me in the group.

This is a small guide on how to use me

Basic Commands:
Use /ping or !ping cmd to check if bot is online
Use /start or !start cmd to start bot in group or pm
Use /help or !help cmd to get interactive help on available bot cmds
Use /feedback cmd to contact bot owner

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Get interactive and detailed help on bot cmds
Ping the bot to check if it's online
To start bot
Fetches info on single anime
Fetches info on multiple possible animes
Fetches info characters related to query
Fetches info on mangas related to query
Fetches info on airing data for anime
Fetches anilist info of an authorised user
Fetches anilist info of an authorised user
Fetches anilist info as per query
Fetches scheduled animes
removes authorization
Reverse search powered by tracemoepy
Fetches watch order for anime series
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See also
Error into the objects list function.