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Check if your friends visited the place you are staying now or have been recently. Let's have fun together!

What can do this bot?Game "Guess the Place".
Check if your friends visited the place you are staying now or have been recently.
You can create a new game by yourself or participate in games, created by your friends or other players.
Let's have fun together!

Игра "Угадай место".
Проверьте, бывали ли ваши друзья там, где вы сейчас или недавно были.
Вы можете создавать новые игры, принимать участие в играх, созданных вашими друзьями или другими игроками.
Давайте повеселимся вместе!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

List of useful commands
Show random game
Show TOP10 games
Show your coins
Show scoring rules
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See also