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GPT Ask - Прямой и безлимитный доступ к Chat GPT бот через Телеграм. Канал: @gpt_ask

Hello, ⁨@bsagent⁩! I am ChatGPT bot.
You have the trial version of the bot activated.
There are ⁨40⁩ of messages left for today.
Want more? Sign up: /subscribe
You can try all the Ultimate features of the bot for free for 1 hour: /try

Available commands:
/subscribe - Purchase a subscription plan
/img - Generate image by description
/voice - Voice response mode
/summarize - Summarize chat history (need admin rights to see all messages in group chat)
/creativity - Bot creativity setting (Current value: ⁨70⁩%)
/prompt - Setting instruction for bot
/reset_prompt - Reset instruction for bot
/catalog - Catalog of ready-to-go prompts
/clear - Delete chat history
/rollback - Rollback the last messages
/repeat - Repeat last message
/lang - Change bot language
/gpt - Change GPT model

Contact with developers via email: (or @Hormold)
Clear the chat history with the /clear command so you don't clog the bot's memory sometimes.
It responds faster and better that way.
If you don't like the bot's response, try changing its creativity and clearing the chat history.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Purchase a subscription plan
Select GPT model
Generate image by description
Voice response mode
Bot creativity setting
Setting instruction for bot
Reset instruction for bot
Catalog of ready-to-go instructions
Clear chat history
Rollback the last messages
Repeat last message
Change bot language
Share this bot
See also