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Bot allows you to listen and download music from VKontakte, gives access to search and to your Audios list.

What can do this bot?Бот позволяет слушать и скачивать музыку из ВКонтакте, предоставляет доступ к поиску по аудио и к вашим аудиозаписям. Для смены языка используйте команду /lang.

Bot allows you to listen and download music from VKontakte, gives access to search and to your Audios list. To change language use /lang command.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

authorize me to make requests
show first page of your Audio list
search for audios
show next page of a list
show previous page of a list
request songs for downloading
request songs for listening
repeat current page of a list
revoke authorization
switch language (ru \ en)
send a feedback message
show help message
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