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Ꮆdʀινɛ ㄩקƖօαɖɛʀ 〄

Ꮆdʀινɛ ㄩקƖօαɖɛʀ 〄

Upload any file from Direct URL/Telegram File/YouTube.. etc to Google Drive


What can do this bot?⚡️Uploads URL to Google Drive
And more (Telegram files, YT..etc)

⚡️Send /help for how to use (MUST)

⚡️Made with 🔥 in India by

Hey! New User.
I am GDrive Uploader
send me a link or forward telegram file and I will upload it to your Google Drive.

I also do gdrive file management!
My Creater is @theXtremeRahul
Made with ❤️ in India.

Hit /help to know me. (MUST!)

Hey! New User.

● To use me, you need to follow @XtremeProjects channel. Then Come back and /login😊

● send a link to proceed. I will upload it to your Google Drive and send you it's link!

● To upload a telegram file, forward it to me! ✨

● For YouTubeDL Supported Websites.. send the link and select the format you wish!

● YouTube Playlist is supported. I upload playlist as .zip file. Only one parallel playlist download at a time.

● Supports adding teamdrive folders to upload, using /addtd.

● Check your current plan and requests using /me. Maximum size-limit per file is 60GB.

● Google Drive file management is now easy using /myfiles✨

● Do /upgrade for getting more requests, and to access any upcoming premium features.

Reports: @XtremeDiscussion
Developer: @theXtremeRahul

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

✨ to know me
💌 how to use
👤 you and your gdrive info
🗂 list of files/folders in your drive
✅ add your gdrive account
❌ remove your gd account
to add td after login
to remove td if added td
👑 view the plans
💰 contribute us
👥 bot statistics
⚡ XtremeProjects
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