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Search for high-quality royalty-stock photos from all across the web. Ads:

What can do this bot?Search for FREE photos, vectors graphics and illustrations. ☺️

Namaste Info!

Stock Photos bot allows you to search for an unlimited amount of stock photos/illustrations, which can be used for free.

Please read /instructions (click) first.


/random - 📥Get a random high-res pic.
/help - ℹ️Get this help box.
/about - 👦More about this bot

How to search photos?

➡️ Just type your query from the keyboard.
➡️ For example - Design
➡️ The bot will return a photo.

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

how to use the bot
get a random photo
Inline Bot

Call this bot by typing its @username and a query in the text input field in any chat.

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