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Made by @FayasNoushad

What can do this bot?A simple file or media converter bot with permanent thumbnail support.

Made by @FayasNoushad

Hello New User ๐Ÿ˜Œ
I am a simple file or media convert bot.

You can convert any type of file or media with permanent thumbnail saving support.

Made by @FayasNoushad

Hey, Follow these steps:

โž  Send custom thumbnail ( optional )
โž  Send me a valid media
โž  Reply /convert media or /convert file

Available Commands

/start - Checking Bot Online
/help - For more help
/about - For more about me
/delthumb - To deleting current thumbnail
/showthumb - To view current thumbnail

>> Please join my updates channel for more bots and updates and Please contact Fayas for reporting, bugs, requests, and suggestions.

Made by @FayasNoushad

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

Checking Bot Online
For more help
For more about me
To view current thumbnail
To deleting current thumbnail
Share this bot
See also