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The chatbot Feebo will allow monitor and read the news, blogs and others using RSS and sends notifications when new posts are published. Search @feebo_bot in Telegram, start the chat and send any RSS-link to subscribe.

What can do this bot?Feebo monitors websites, blogs and others using RSS and sends notifications when new posts are published.

Hello! Thanks for adding me! My name is Feebo. I’m a news chatbot that helps you to stay up to date. I send you updates if there is new content in news feeds, blogs, youtube channels or others!

Start with "add" or add your own feed. Type "help" to get all my commands! Have fun!

Bot Commands

A command must always start with the '/' symbol.

adds a new feed
lists all your subscribed feeds
removes a feed (provide ID which is listed in 'list' command)
removes all subscribed feeds
give me feedback, tell me what you like and where I should improve
displays the help
See also